
Monday, March 24, 2014

Catch up

Well hello there again!  I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything (perhaps because it's hard to stay motivated in the land of never-ending winter) so here's a little post to catch you up with what's happening around here:)

1. We are pirate maniacs: My kids have become quite obsessed with 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' thanks to Netflix, so we spend a lot of time playing pirates, watching pirates, and reading about pirates.  My favorite word that both of the kids use is coconuts when we are looking for the hidden coconuts in their pirate book.  Bella says 'polka-nuts', and Elijah says 'co-cuts'.

2. We are going a little stir crazy with this long winter season.  There were a few days where it warmed up enough to go on walks outside with the kids.  It was so great and felt wonderful to get some fresh air.  Unfortunately, it just snowed again and is now supposed to get cold (mid to low 20s) for the next week or so.  Boo.

3.  We are decorating for Spring/Easter.  Another way we are trying to usher in Spring is by decorating for it.  The kids loved helping put up our Easter baskets and bunnies around the house.

And here are a few pictures from the last few weeks...
^ The kids and I posed for a few pictures before church one Sunday.  I call this one our 'band' shot.
 ^I love Bell's face in this picture:)
 ^Just relaxing while talking to Daddy on the phone
 ^Firemen like animal crackers too!

 ^This happened one afternoon when Bella told me she didn't need a nap so she would just sit on the couch and read some stories:)
 ^Showing some love to our pug Cousin Henry
^Handsome Henry (and such a sweetie with the kids)

 ^Elijah and Mommy
^Could they be any sweeter?!
^Got to attend a Women's Retreat at our church and hang out with my bestie, Emily!  Love you Em:)
I hope your March has been fun, now let's all pray for some warmer weather soon! 


  1. Awww... I love the pictures of you and your kiddos! :-)

    1. Thank you! They are so much fun and definitely keep me entertained:)
